
Hello and Welcome! I’m Tina Azaria.

Tina Azaria Headshot

I’m an author, artist, depth psychology geek, trained healer, mother and life-long student of healing and expressive arts.

I believe in the power of the arts to reconnect us to soul. I believe that putting the soul back into daily life and keeping it at the center of our personal interactions is the antidote to frenzied, disconnected, and detrimental ways of living.

I’m the owner and founder of Alembic Arts, an integrative healing practice designed to meet the growing demand for soul-centered living and the peace it brings in troubled times.

I work with people of all ages and backgrounds, helping them tap into their own vast creative potential within and express it in a way that is healing and profoundly transformative. Visit AlembicArts.com for more info on private sessions, groups and classes.

Thanks for visiting and exploring!

🙂 Tina

P.S. Sign up for my monthly newsletter here to get the latest news, upcoming events, and awesome free strategies, tips and resources. I honor your privacy and never share your info.

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